Travel and Tourism

Tourism is the job of every South African



Staying on top in the competitive global tourism market is tough. This is a job for the big boys, Govt. Ministers, Hotel Chain Owners, Events Companies and YOU. 

Yes, you, the little guy who runs a one man show related to tourism, the guy who sweeps the streets and the corporate accountant who has nothing to do with tourism.

You do not even have to know anything about tourism to aid this growth.

Just be proudly SOUTH AFRICAN. Do whatever you can to enhance both the reality and the perception of what South Africa is.

It is really so easy.


10 small steps to make South Africa GREAT.

1. Be friendly | smile at people, acknowledge others, be helpful 

2. Don’t litter | lets start cleaning up this country, mess does not make a good impression

3. Say NO to corruption | clean up your own act, speak out, do not be part of it

4. Share your pride | focus on what you like about S.A and share it

5. Do your bit | do your job to the best of your ability every day

6. Think ! | think before you moan, rather apply your mind to a possible solution

7. Be fair | no one likes being ripped off, offer value and gain loyal supporters

8. Help | offer a step up rather than a hand out, you could change a life

9. Change | is not as scary as you think, embrace it

10. Be a Giver| rather than a taker and you will gain unexpected rewards.

We can all do a little to make South Africa a place we would love to come to for business and pleasure.


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  • Reply mzansigirl 29th July 2013 at 7:01 pm

    I LOVE this post!!! Do you mind if I reblog it??

    • Reply jabedi 29th July 2013 at 7:42 pm

      Hi Merushka, I will be thrilled if you reblog it, thanks

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