The Nomad Gorilla Trek I am bravely undertaking on the 5th February this year is not only about the gorillas.
I got a little side tracked focusing on the reality that I will be within a few meters of real live, strong, hairy, large toothed gorillas in 23 days time. Reading through my itinerary again I was reminded of all the other aspects of this East African adventure I am looking forward to.
Apart from the 5 National Parks, 4 impressive lakes and 4 African cities we will be visiting, I cant wait to:
Stand on the Equator and just know that I am at 0 degrees North or South. As a cartographer, this will be a total thrill. I hope to see the Coriolis effect, or a toilet where the water just goes straight down, swirling neither left or right. I really hope it’s not a trick!
Gaze at the stars. I am sure the night sky is going to be spectacular, as we will be in some remote areas where there will be no light pollution. Hmm, should I pack a collapsible telescope, and Northern and Southern hemisphere star books?
Have lunch on the side of the road, in the middle of Africa. Imagine saying that line when telling a story! (cos Africa is a country of course, y’all know that)
Try to speak Swahili, and be surrounded by people talking in a foreign language. Hopefully I won’t get it all wrong and end up married to someone, adopting an elephant or buying a sugar estate by mistake.
Wet my feet at the source of the Nile, and not find a baby in the bull rushes. My child rearing days are over thanks.
Have a bush pooh . This could be an adventure. If a wild animal appears at least I will be in the correct position to crap myself without messing up my clothes. Thinking positively, as one does just prior to being eating by a lion.
See the Great Rift Valley, and not fall in, just take loads of photographs.
Sit around the fire pit and interrogate my new friends. I find people fascinating, a nice way of saying I’m nosy, but everyone has interesting stories.You just need to ask enough questions and out they come. (she said in a caring manner)
Kwaheri for now.
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Oh my word, this is so funny! And I’m not half jealous ……
Glad you got a giggle out of it
Hehe awesome, can’t wait for more mad and hilarious stories! And to think you haven’t even left yet lol 🙂
Better stop now in case I wear myself out lol
Any particular reason you don’t want to end up “married to someone, adopting an elephant or buying a sugar estate”? Any of these could make for fascinating stories!
Slight problem with not enough funds. Would make a great story though. I am sure I will get into some sort of scrape in the 14 days. Story fodder
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